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The Grimshaw Lane Dairy in Ormskirk has started using four Nissan e-NV200 vans. The Dairy is using its new commercial vehicles to make daily deliveries to businesses and homes in and around the town.

The new vehicles have been named Tilly, Bovine, Ermintrude and Daisy by their new drivers and are set to replace Grimshaw’s fleet of aging diesel vehicles with the latest additions covering an average of 50 miles a day, making around 500 deliveries each.

We recently reported that Fruit 4 London was making good use of the Nissan e-NV200 and was enjoying the fact that a full overnight charge costs just £2 and can cover 106 miles on a single charge.

With the vehicle running from British-built Nissan LEAF technology and costing just 2 pence per mile the fleet is saving the dairy £900 a month in fuel.

Members of staff are satisfied with the new Nissan fleet and the added functionality these new vehicles have over their older diesel counterparts. The ability to defrost their vehicles using an app on their mobile phones before getting up to start their shifts in the early hours has proved to be a huge hit.

The new additions are also making local residents happier too as the early morning deliveries, made around 1:30am, are now done in near silence due to the electronic motor driving the vehicle.

Grimshaw Dairy Managing director Andrew Brown has said, “Switching to the Nissan e-NV200 was a no brainer for us. Basically the savings we’re making on the fuel have paid for the contract hire on the vans and we’ll be saving on the maintenance too.” – he is already making plans to swap his two remaining diesel vehicles with e-NV200s in the upcoming months.